Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Tigger!!!! And blog candy found.

I think I found someone that loves tigger as much as me if not more. Jane is celebrating her blogaversay. So I clicked the link from another blog I visit and OMG! Everything is tigger's and I love it.

I own a lot of tigger stuff. I have shirts, slippers, mugs, cookie jar, bank, and toys. I have a whole collection of tigger toys that I terrorize my cats with. I have Jumping Tigger, Bouncing Tigger, Tumbling Tigger and a very good friend of mine got me a Tigger that rocks in a chair and reads The Night Before christmas to Roo. One of these days I get around to painting a Tigger on the sides of my PT Cruiser.


Jane (Carroll's Creations) said...

lovely to found another tigger fan

i am a bit made on him - I have a tigger tattoo on my shoulder!

hugs jane x

Carolyn said...

"YOU WON"! Come check out my blog.

Irina Blount said...

Hi Stephanie,

I couldn't find your email address, I hope it's OK to answer your question here..

I bought those round stamps awhile ago. My LCS, the one where I teach, Cranberry Hill Mercantile still carries them. They can ship the stamps to you. Give them a call at 408-736-9151.

Hope this helps.

:) Irina

Eve said...

I am doing a color challenge over on my blog. I hope that you come check it out!

Unknown said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog today, I appreciate it!!