Tuesday, March 18, 2008

My how time flies. I just got so caught up in a thread I found - PIF stamped images. Everyone has a list of images they will stamp and send you. Once you snag an image, you can post your list. Can I tell you, when the ladies are there, the snagging is more fun than the last few minutes of an ebay auction. I also joined a wish RAK. My stamps are getting a work out. Off to stamp. Hopefully I'll learn how to upload some of these cards I make.


Ellie said...

Hi just wanted to let you know you won my Blog Box of goodies over at my site if you could contact me so I could get your addy so I can send you a box of goodies your way :)



The Rubber Maid said...

You are one of my PIF people so please send me your address so I can send you some blog goodies. Pat