Thursday, February 26, 2009

Somebody's celebrating a Blogaversary!!

Several somebody's actually.

First we have Lim over at The voices in my head (I just love the name of her blog). She is giving away 3 prizes on my birthday. You really need to see what fabulous prizes she has.

Next we have My life's inky escapes and more giving away some great blogaversary blog candy. Not only that, she also has some awesome projects posted too.

Monday, February 23, 2009

SU is going back to an annual catalog!!!

I am so excited that SU is going back to an annual catty! Here stre some of the details.

  • Beginning in July 2009, we will go back to an annual catalog.
  • The US Hispanic supplement will also become an annual catalog.
  • The Décor Elements catalog will continue to be separate from the Idea Book & Catalog, and will come out twice a year.
  • The mini catalog program will change to include three mini catalogs a year, each lasting for four months.

In addition to the changes mentioned above, we will be introducing a small selection of hostess sets in each mini catalog. This will give your customers even more reason to host multiple workshops throughout the year